WHS Risk Management
WHS Risk Management
Under the workplace health & safety legislation, workers have a duty to ‘take reasonable care for your own health and safety while at work, and ensure your acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons in your workplace’.
As part of managing the health and safety of your business you must control the risks in your workplace. To do this you need to think about what might cause harm to people and decide whether you are taking reasonable steps to prevent that harm. This is known as risk assessment and it is something you are required by law to carry out.
Our consultants have vast experience in delivering WHS services that engage workers in a plain English approach. We will:
- Review current WHS management systems resources, to ensure safe systems of work.
- Provide you a necessary hazard identification and risk management tools
- Assist you in developing and implementing hazar identification and risk management policy, procedures and processes.
- Conduct workplace inspection to identify any common workplace hazards and undertake workforce consultations, as a means of performing a gap analysis
- Recommend appropriate and where applicable legally required control actions
- Develop review and monitoring process
Working together with our WHS consultants you can create a safe work environment with efficient WHS systems and a safety culture where identifying and reporting workplace hazards becomes integral part of your activities
Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)
SWMS documents are a mandatory requirement for all businesses who carry out high risk construction work. Most contractors working in the construction industry will be involved in some form of high-risk construction work activity on a regular basis and are required to have a site and task specific safe work method statement or SWMS.
Safe Work Method statements play a key role in managing risk on a construction site and should be presented in a clear format that’s easy for workers to read, understand, and follow. Two of the most important key elements that a SWMS must provide is to firstly identify all known high risk construction work hazards, and secondly, list the most effective industry risk control measures for each of those hazards.
With our extensive industry experience, we will work with you to develop job specific Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) to meet legislative requirements.